Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (JBVNL) achieves created by transport of force in the region of Jharkhand. Right now, power has proactively arrived at basically all of the towns in India. There will be very few towns, where power has not yet been reached. Unintentionally, in districts where there are a lot of forests, there is an issue in showing up at power here. Along these lines, the power wouldn’t reach. Anyway, the public authority is constantly endeavouring to convey capacity to every area. Here, we will know about the power part of Jharkhand, for instance, dealing with power bills, charging the sum, Jharkhand Electricity Bill Status Check 2022 and other critical information.
झारखंड बिजली वितरण निगम लिमिटेड (जेबीवीएनएल) ने झारखंड प्रांत में सत्ता के हस्तांतरण द्वारा तैयार की गई उपलब्धि हासिल की है। वर्तमान समय में, भारत में व्यावहारिक रूप से हर एक शहर में बिजली सक्रिय रूप से पहुंच गई है। ऐसे कई शहर नहीं होंगे, जहां अभी तक बिजली नहीं पहुंची हो। संयोग से, जिन क्षेत्रों में वुडलैंड का एक बड़ा सौदा है, यहां सत्ता में आने में एक समस्या है। इस वजह से बिजली नहीं पहुंच पाती। किसी भी मामले में, लोक प्राधिकरण लगातार प्रत्येक क्षेत्र में सत्ता ले जाने का प्रयास कर रहा है। यहां, हम झारखंड की बिजली शाखा से परिचित होंगे, उदाहरण के लिए, बिजली बिलों का ध्यान रखना, बिल राशि, जेबीवीएनएल बिजली बिल स्टेटस चेक 2022 और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण डेटा।
What is Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited?
Electricity has now arrived at basically all of the towns of Jharkhand state and for the spread of force in Jharkhand state, it is made available simply through Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited. The association’s exercises started in 2014. This association works in social affairs on the use of force in Jharkhand State. The association has around 32 lakh enlisted purchasers and has a zenith pile of 2150 MW. The association is related to power dispersal in seven power supply regions in which a few classes like HT, LTIS, DS, NDS, IAS, etc.
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बिजली अब व्यावहारिक रूप से झारखंड राज्य के हर एक शहर तक पहुंच गई है और झारखंड राज्य में बिजली के प्रसार के लिए, इसे सिर्फ झारखंड बिजली वितरण निगम लिमिटेड के माध्यम से सुलभ बनाया गया है। संगठन की गतिविधियाँ 2014 में शुरू हुईं। यह संगठन झारखंड राज्य में सत्ता के उपयोग को इकट्ठा करने का काम करता है। संगठन के पास लगभग 32 लाख नामांकित खरीदार हैं और 2150 मेगावाट का शिखर है। संगठन सात बिजली आपूर्ति क्षेत्रों में बिजली के प्रसार से जुड़ा है जिसमें कुछ वर्ग जैसे एचटी, एलटीआईएस, डीएस, एनडीएस, आईएएस आदि हैं।
The best technique to Check Jharkhand Electricity (JBVNL) Bill-
- To start with, open this association of the JBVNL website page https://secure.urjamitra.in/onlinepay/
- Then, at that point, click on Search Bill By which will show the decision of Consumer No and Bill No
- Of these ‘Client No.’ Only one requirement to pick. Truly around then could you anytime see the continuous bill? Since on checking with Bill No, the Current Dues of that bill number will show.
- ‘Customer No.’ After picking it, select ‘Sub Division’ and enter ‘Client No’.
- As of now click on “Submit”. After this, you can see Consumer Basic Details, Current Bill Dues and Monthly Wise Billing Details.
How truly do make Jharkhand Electricity Bill Payments?
- Most importantly, you visit this association of JBVNL – https://secure.urjamitra.in/onlinepay/
- Then, at that point, on tapping on Search Bill By, two decisions will appear (a) Consumer No. in addition (b) Bill No.
- You will get ‘Customer No.’ and select your ‘Sub Division’.
- After this Consumer No. Finish it off and tap on “Submit”.
- By and by, Consumer Basic Details will appear and Electricity Bill will moreover be shown in ‘Stream Dues’.
- To make a Jharkhand Bijli bill portion, click on Action View of SN0# 1 fragment at the most elevated purpose in ‘Month to month Wise Billing Details’.
- After this three buttons will appear – Print Bill, Online Payment, NEFT/RTGS Payment, etc.
- For the Jharkhand Bijli bill portion, click on “Online Payment”. Then, at that point, the bill total will appear.
- Then, you really want to tap on “Pay Now” and make portions from your Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, UPI, EMI or Wallet.
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How to check New Connection Report?
- Regardless of anything else visit this association of genuine site – http://suvidha.jbvnl.co.in/report.aspx
- Then, another window will open in which pick the region and select the date from when you really want to see the report.
- Then, at that point, click “on display Report”.

How to Update Mobile Number in JBVNL?
- As an issue of some significance click on the association of JBVNL Mobile Number Update on the power site https://jbvnl.co.in/consMobileUpdate.php
- Then, “Purchaser Number” and “K No.” Fill it up
- Enter the adaptable number you want to add.
- Enter Consumer Name and Email ID as well. Then, at that point, click on the “Accompanying” button.
- As of now, OTP will come in the adaptable number entered. Affirm by entering OTP. Thusly, you can add numbers in a flexible JBVNL section.
How to Registration on JBVNL Portal?
- As an issue of some significance click on this association of the Official Site-http://suvidha.jbvnl.co.in/newuser.aspx.
- Then, at that point, fill in “First Name” and “Last Name”.
- Enter Email ID, Mobile No and District.
- As of now, click on I’m not a robot and snap-on Register.
- After this, the User Id and Password ought to be noticeable in the put Mobile Number and Email ID.
How to Login to JBVNL Jharkhand Portal?
- The first go to this association of JBVNL Official Site-http://suvidha.jbvnl.co.in/login.aspx
- In which enter ‘Username’ and ‘Secret key’.
- Furthermore, click on I’m not a robot. By and by, click on “Login”.
How do get the new relationship of JBVNL?
- Regardless of anything else open the power site of JBVNL.
- Select LT, LTIS and HT of New Connection of Consumer Service.
- Login with your ‘Client ID’ and ‘Mystery key’. Then, at that point, wrap up the construction completely.
- Move documents like-Photo, Identity Endlessly confirmation of Ownership.
- Then, at that point, click on I Agree and “Finish” by then.
- After this, you will really need to see the portion slip. Eliminate a print from the slip.
- By and by, click on “Pay” and make the portion on the web.
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How to present a complaint?
If there is any kind of complaint, the web-based protest can be submitted from Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited.
- Regardless, open the JSEB site.
- Following the opening, tap on Complaint arranged on the greeting page, and click on “Register Complaint”.
- By and by a design will open in which select Complaint Category, Office Address and Consumer Search Criteria, etc.
- Then, from the Consumer No, KNo and Consumer ID, enter the amount of the picked number in the holder.
- Fill in the Exiting Information like Name, Address, Mobile Number, etc.
- After this, in Request Details, make the protest in the Complaint date and Type and Remarks box and “Submit”.

How to recover neglected to recall the mystery word?
Whether or not you have neglected to recollect the Username and Password to sign in to the JBVNL site, it might be recovered. The technique for recovering the mystery key is given under
- Open this page of Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited’s, generally significantly’s, site-https://suvidha.jbvnl.co.in/recover.aspx
- After this, enter the enrolled flexible number in JBVNL and tap on Recover Password.
- By and by, the Username and Password will appear in the enrolled convenient number. Then, sign in by entering it on the login page.
Jharkhand Electricity Bill: Contact Details of JBVNL Portal
Address: Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd., Engineer’s Building, Dhurwa Ranchi-834001 (Jharkhand)
Phone: 1800-345-6570, 1800-123-8745
Mail: contactus@jbvnl.co.in
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