E Stamp Jharkhand: E-Stamp Paper is a computer-based application and a secure way of paying non-judicial stamp duty to the Government. The e-Stamping system was introduced in association with the Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) to prevent paper and process-related fraudulent practices in registration. To prevent procedural fraud in stamp duty payment, the Jharkhand state government introduced an e-stamp paper.
In Hindi: ई-स्टांप पेपर एक कंप्यूटर आधारित एप्लिकेशन है और सरकार को गैर-न्यायिक स्टांप शुल्क का भुगतान करने का एक सुरक्षित तरीका है। पंजीकरण में कागज और प्रक्रिया संबंधी धोखाधड़ी को रोकने के लिए स्टॉक होल्डिंग कॉरपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड (SHCIL) के सहयोग से ई-स्टांपिंग प्रणाली की शुरुआत की गई थी। स्टांप शुल्क भुगतान में प्रक्रियागत धोखाधड़ी को रोकने के लिए, झारखंड राज्य सरकार ने एक ई-स्टांप पेपर पेश किया।
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Benefits of E-Stamping
- Within minutes the e-Stamp certificate is generated.
- The certificate generated is tamper-proof.
- An e-Stamp Certificate is generated which contains a Unique Identification Number (UIN).
- And the authenticity of the e-Stamp certificate can be checked online.
- No specific denomination is required.
- कुछ ही मिनटों में ई-स्टाम्प प्रमाणपत्र बन जाता है।
- जनरेट किया गया सर्टिफिकेट टैम्पर प्रूफ है।
- एक ई-स्टाम्प प्रमाणपत्र उत्पन्न होता है जिसमें एक विशिष्ट पहचान संख्या (यूआईएन) होती है।
- और ई-स्टाम्प प्रमाण पत्र की प्रामाणिकता की ऑनलाइन जांच की जा सकती है।
- किसी विशिष्ट संप्रदाय की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
Stamp Duty for E Stamp Paper in Jharkhand
Before buying E Stamp Paper in Jharkhand you must know the exact stamp duty for the item for which you are buying E Stamp Paper. Use the link below to check the stamp duty
The commonly used values for each article are as follows:
- Rupee. 10 – Used for Affidavit/Undertaking.
- Rupee. 50 – Used for various agreements.
- Rs. 100 – Used for rent agreement/lease agreement and indemnity bond.
- Rupee. 200 – Used for the announcement.
- Rs. 300 – Used for contracts with payment gateways.
- Rupee. 500 – Adoption deed, used for enrollment certificate.

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How to get an e-stamp paper online in Jharkhand?
Getting e-stamp paper physically in Jharkhand is not an easy task as many problems arise like duplication, unusual payment of stamp duty, and many more but now one can easily get e-stamp paper through our platform drafter.in Paper can be obtained online.
Steps needed for getting e-Stamp Paper
- Visit our website and click on Purchase e-Stamp Paper for Jharkhand
- Fill in your details
- Select stamp duty amount and quantity
- Review the form and if satisfied, make the online payment.
E Stamp Paper Jharkhand Application Fee
Sale/purchase or mortgage of property may require an e-stamp paper for Jharkhand. Partition of property, creation of partnership deed, declaration of the power of attorney or trust, registration of a will, adoption of a person, or any kind of bond/legal agreement.
eStamp Jharkhand Type | Stamp Duty | Registration Fee |
Adoption | Rs 42 | Rs 1000 |
Agreement | Rs 3.50 | Rs 1000 |
Bonds | Rs 25 for bond value >Rs 1000 but <Rs 5000 5.25% of bond value for bonds >Rs 5000 but < Rs 50,000 6.3% of bond value for bonds> Rs 50,000 | 3% of bond value |
Sale Deed (Conveyance) | 4% of document value | 3% of transaction value |
Mortgage | 4.2% of document value | 2% of the deed value |
Partition | Rs 25 for bond value >Rs 1000 but <Rs 5000 5.25% of bond value for bonds >Rs 5000 but < Rs 50,000 6.3% of bond value for bonds> Rs 50,000 | 3% of the deed value |
Partnership Deed | Rs 42 | Rs 1000 |
Declaration of Trust | Rs 47.25 | Rs 1000 |
Power of Attorney | Rs 31.5 | Rs 1000 |
Will | NA | Rs 1000 |

What are the stamp duty and registration charges on property in Jharkhand?
Stamp duty and registration charges in Jharkhand 2020 are calculated at 7% of the transaction value of the property. Stamp duty is 4% and the registration charge is 3%. So it is the same for men and women.
What is the role of an architectural Jharkhand in the transfer of property ownership?
In case of transfer of ownership of the property, an Architect Jharkhand is required to:
- Validate Asset Ownership
- Protect evidence and help prevent fraud
- Maintain public records for property registration
- Submit proof of ownership in case of loss/damage of original documents
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Where to Buy E-Stamp Paper Jharkhand?
To reduce the confusion about where to buy e-stamp paper, Jharkhand has completely digitized the process. E-Stamp Paper Jharkhand is available at https://jharnibandhan.gov.in/.
How can you register for Jharkhand E Stamp?
The steps to register for Jharkhand e-Stamp are as follows:
- Visit official website
- For Citizens click on the Register button on the left menu
- Choose between the status as Indian and NRI and enter your details accordingly. Choose a username and password.
- After entering all the information click on the submit button.
- आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएँ
- नागरिकों के लिए बाएं मेनू पर रजिस्टर बटन पर क्लिक करें
- भारतीय और एनआरआई के रूप में स्थिति के बीच चयन करें और तदनुसार अपना विवरण दर्ज करें। एक उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड चुनें।
- सारी जानकारी दर्ज करने के बाद सबमिट बटन पर क्लिक करें।
What are the steps for Estamp Login Jharkhand?
The Stamp Login Jharkhand process is a 2-step login. Here’s what you need to do:
- Enter your username and password
- Enter the displayed captcha code and click on the Get OTP button
- Enter OTP received through SMS on your registered phone number
- Click on the login button
- अपना यूज़रनेम और पासवर्ड प्रविष्ट करें
- प्रदर्शित कैप्चा कोड दर्ज करें और Get OTP बटन पर क्लिक करें
- अपने पंजीकृत फोन नंबर पर एसएमएस के माध्यम से प्राप्त ओटीपी दर्ज करें
- लॉगिन बटन पर क्लिक करें
How to Calculate Stamp Duty for E Stamp Paper Jharkhand?
Stamp duty calculation for e-Stamp paper Jharkhand for property transfer can be done online at NGDRS: National Generic Document Registration System website by following the steps given below.
- Select Fee Rule from the drop-down menu
- Select the property to be transferred
- The valuation of the property will be done by the system and the market value will be displayed on the screen.
- Enter the consideration amount. Stamp duty will be calculated on the basis of market value or consideration amount which is higher.
- Check the calculation as shown in the table. This includes stamp duty, processing fees, registration fees, and the duration of the lease agreement.
- The amount can be paid online or in cash over the counter.
- ड्रॉप-डाउन मेनू से शुल्क नियम चुनें
- हस्तांतरित की जाने वाली संपत्ति का चयन करें
- सिस्टम द्वारा संपत्ति का मूल्यांकन किया जाएगा और स्क्रीन पर बाजार मूल्य प्रदर्शित किया जाएगा।
- विचार राशि दर्ज करें। स्टाम्प शुल्क की गणना बाजार मूल्य या विचार राशि जो अधिक है, के आधार पर की जाएगी।
- तालिका में दिखाए अनुसार गणना की जाँच करें। इसमें स्टैंप ड्यूटी, प्रोसेसिंग फीस, रजिस्ट्रेशन फीस और लीज एग्रीमेंट की अवधि शामिल है।
- राशि का भुगतान ऑनलाइन या काउंटर पर नकद में किया जा सकता है।

In what form Jharkhand e Stamp paper is available?
Jharkhand e-stamp paper can be downloaded in pdf format.
- DigiLocker App
- mAadhaar App
- life certificate
- e-court services
- online e challan
- digital health id card
- LIC online payment of premium
- e-passport in India
- Instant pan card
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FAQs on E Stamp Jharkhand
Is e-stamp paper valid in India?
As per the Indian Stamp Act, stamp papers only serve as proof that stamp duty has been paid and needs to be “used” in the agreement, which is why stamp paper and document have been conflated. Additionally, as per the IT Act, digital documents are legally enforceable
Can we do stamping online?
In the normal course of business, a Stamping Application can be made online at the link given above and a notice of assessment will be issued and the same can be paid online or at any branch of the Stamp Office.
What is the cost of e-stamp paper?
Under this new system, Rs 100 stamp paper will be used for affidavits of water, electricity, gas, telephone, and connections and affidavits submitted in courts.
Is the document valid without a seal?
As per the Act, even oral agreements are valid in India. The Contract Act does not make it mandatory to seal contracts. It does not make an unstamped agreement/agreement thereby invalid or unenforceable. Therefore, an agreement does not require mandatory stamping to make it a legal and valid instrument.
Is the e-Stamp still valid?
However, in December, they have now confirmed to me that the e-stamps will remain valid and do not need to be swapped
Suggested Link:- National Scholarship Portal