Ration Card List Jharkhand: The government, under the National Food Security Act, provides ration cards to citizens across the country who are eligible to buy food grains at a subsidized rate from the public distribution system. A ration card is issued by the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs.
A ration card is also used as proof of identity for the people holding the ration card. Jharkhand Ration Card aims to provide food and grains to the lower sections of society and include them as beneficiaries of food security in the country. The purpose of this document is to provide information based on various aspects like types of ration cards in Jharkhand, eligibility, documents required etc.
In Hindi:
सरकार, राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अधिनियम के तहत, देश भर में उन नागरिकों को राशन कार्ड प्रदान करती है जो सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली से रियायती दर पर खाद्यान्न खरीदने के पात्र हैं। राशन कार्ड खाद्य, नागरिक आपूर्ति और उपभोक्ता मामलों के विभाग द्वारा जारी किया जाता है।
राशन कार्ड रखने वाले लोगों के लिए पहचान के प्रमाण के रूप में भी राशन कार्ड का उपयोग किया जाता है। झारखंड राशन कार्ड का उद्देश्य समाज के निचले वर्गों को भोजन और अनाज उपलब्ध कराना और उन्हें देश में खाद्य सुरक्षा के लाभार्थियों के रूप में शामिल करना है। इस दस्तावेज़ का उद्देश्य विभिन्न पहलुओं जैसे झारखंड में राशन कार्ड के प्रकार, पात्रता, आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ आदि के आधार पर जानकारी प्रदान करना है।
How to check Jharkhand ration card list online?
- Go to aahar.jharkhand.gov.in
- To check the name in the Jharkhand ration card list, the official web portal of the Food Department has to be opened. For this search by typing aahar.jharkhand.gov.in in the Google search box or you can use this link – aahar.jharkhand.gov.in
- Select the Ration Card Details option
- As soon as the official web portal of Aahar Jharkhand is opened, you will get the option of the cardholder in the menu. Below this, select the option of ration card details.
- Select your district and block
- After this, the ration card beneficiary search box will open. Here first select your district and block. As mentioned in the screenshot –
- Select Village/Ward Name
- Now you will see the option of village/ward and dealer. Select the village/ward option to check village wise Jharkhand ration card list. Then select your village/ward. After this fill in the Card type and Captcha code and submit it.
- Check Ration Card List Jharkhand
- As soon as all the details are filled in and submitted, the ration card list of the village/ward selected by you will open on the screen. You can check your name and ration card number in this.
Jharkhand Ration Card List 2023
To check the list of applicants who have received the ration card, they can do so by visiting the website and following the procedure given below:
- Click on the “e-Services” option given on the menu bar.
- Select the “e-Ration Card” link.
- Select the “Village List” tab.
- And select your respective District, Taluk, Gram Panchayat, and Village and click on the “Go” button.
- Also, the list of ration cards in the selected village will be displayed on the screen.
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Jharkhand Ration Card Eligibility
Ration Cards | Requirements |
AAY | This ration card is given under the Antyodaya Yojana and for people who are weaker than other classes of people financially. |
PHH | These ration cards are given to families who are a part of the Priority Household and live in the rural parts of the state. |
NPHH | Non-Priority Households receive a different ration card as the families classified under this have a stable annual income. They are not given subsidised items. |
White ration card | This is given to people who have an annual income of more than Rs.1 lakh. |
Documents required to apply for Jharkhand Ration Card
To apply online or offline for a ration card in Jharkhand the applicant needs to submit the following documents:
- Bank passbook
- Passport size photograph of each family member attested by Gazetted Officer
- Electricity bill
- House rent receipt
- Telephone bill
How to apply for Jharkhand Ration Card?
You can apply for a ration card in Jharkhand through the website or offline methods. If you do not have an internet facility, you can submit the application form and required documents at the centre.
However, applying for a ration card can also be done online. Here are the steps you need to follow to do so:
- Go to the official website aahar.jharkhand.gov.in.
- Click on ‘Online Services’ and select the option of ‘Online Application’.
- The website will redirect you to a different page where you need to read the information and click on ‘Proceed’.
- Once done, on the redirected page, select the option of ‘Apply for New Ration Card’.
- On the new page click on ‘Proceed’ and then enter your phone number.
- After submitting the mobile number the application form will appear on the screen.
- Fill out the form as required and click ‘Continue’.
- The website will require you to enter the OTP which will be sent to the phone number you have added.
- Once the form is submitted, you will see a reference number on the screen.
- Click on ‘Save’ and print the document and submit it to your nearest DSO office.
Search Jharkhand Ration Card Online.
If you are not able to check the ration card list by the methods mentioned above or your name is not found, then you can also search for the ration card by your name. Let’s know about this too.
- Select the Search Your Ration Card option – Open the aahar.jharkhand.gov.in web portal to search the ration card name list. After this, under the Cardholder option, select the Search Your Ration Card option.
- Search the ration card by name – After this, the option of cardholder search will appear on the screen. Here first choose your district. After this submit your name by writing it. As mentioned in the screenshot.
- Check Ration Card List – As soon as you select the district and search by writing your name, the complete list of all the ration card holders in that district will open. Here you can search your name in the list by your name and your father/husband’s name.

झारखंड राशन कार्ड ऑनलाइन खोजें।
अगर आप ऊपर बताए गए तरीकों से राशन कार्ड लिस्ट चेक नहीं कर पा रहे हैं या आपका नाम नहीं मिल रहा है तो आप अपने नाम से भी राशन कार्ड सर्च कर सकते हैं। आइए इसके बारे में भी जानते हैं।
- अपना राशन कार्ड खोजें विकल्प चुनें – राशन कार्ड नाम सूची खोजने के लिए aahar.jharkhand.gov.in वेब पोर्टल खोलें। इसके बाद कार्डहोल्डर विकल्प के तहत सर्च योर राशन कार्ड विकल्प को चुनें।
- राशन कार्ड को नाम से खोजें – इसके बाद स्क्रीन पर कार्डहोल्डर सर्च का विकल्प दिखाई देगा। यहां सबसे पहले अपना जिला चुनें। इसके बाद अपना नाम लिखकर सबमिट करें। जैसा कि स्क्रीनशॉट में बताया गया है।
- राशन कार्ड सूची जांचें – जैसे ही आप जिले का चयन करेंगे और अपना नाम लिखकर सर्च करेंगे, उस जिले के सभी राशन कार्ड धारकों की पूरी सूची खुल जाएगी। यहां आप लिस्ट में अपना नाम अपने नाम और अपने पिता/पति के नाम से सर्च कर सकते हैं।
How do any corrections on Jharkhand Ration Card?
You can also make corrections to your ration card if any detail on the card is incorrect. To do so, here are the steps you can follow:
- Go to the official website aahar.jharkhand.gov.in.
- Select ‘Online Services’ and click on ‘Online Application’.
- The page will show you the ration card details.
- Click on ‘Proceed’.
- On the redirected page, you select the error and make the correction.
- Once the change is done, enter the ‘Ration Card Number’ and your registered ‘Mobile Number’.
- Add your Aadhaar card number and click on the OTP option.
- If you want to add a family member, enter the OTP and fill in the required details for the new members accordingly and click on ‘Submit’.
- Take a printout of the page and submit it to the nearest DSO office along with the required documents.
Note: Correction in name cannot be done online and can be done only by visiting your nearest concerned DSO officer.
How To Check Your Jharkhand Ration Card Status?
- Click on the link https://jsfss.jharkhand.gov.in/NfsaCardholders/ercmsSearch.
- Enter either your ration card number or acknowledgement number by entering the captcha. Click on ‘Search’. You will be able to see the status of your Jharkhand Ration Card Application.
How to add a new member to Jharkhand Ration Card?
You can add a member to your Jharkhand Ration Card by following the steps given below:
- Click on the link https://jsfss.jharkhand.gov.in/JsfssSeccCardholders/loginBy/.
- Login using the Ration Card and Password option. Enter your ration card number and password and select the type of ration card.
- Enter the captcha and click on ‘Login’.
- Once logged in, you can select the ‘Add Member’ option to add a new member to the list. Make sure you have provided all the details to add the member successfully.
झारखंड राशन कार्ड में नया सदस्य कैसे जोड़े ?
आप नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन करके अपने झारखंड राशन कार्ड में सदस्य जोड़ सकते हैं:
- लिंक https://jsfss.jharkhand.gov.in/JsfssSeccCardholders/loginBy/ पर क्लिक करें।
- राशन कार्ड और पासवर्ड विकल्प का उपयोग करके लॉगिन करें। अपना राशन कार्ड नंबर और पासवर्ड दर्ज करें और राशन कार्ड के प्रकार का चयन करें।
- कैप्चा दर्ज करें और ‘लॉगिन’ पर क्लिक करें।
- एक बार लॉग इन करने के बाद, आप सूची में एक नया सदस्य जोड़ने के लिए ‘सदस्य जोड़ें’ विकल्प चुन सकते हैं। सुनिश्चित करें कि आपने सदस्य को सफलतापूर्वक जोड़ने के लिए सभी विवरण प्रदान किए हैं।
How to delete a new member in Jharkhand Ration Card?
You can add a member to your Jharkhand Ration Card by following the steps given below:
- Click on the link https://jsfss.jharkhand.gov.in/JsfssSeccCardholders/loginBy/.
- Login using the Ration Card and Password option. Enter your ration card number and password and select the type of ration card.
- Enter the captcha and click on ‘Login’.
- Once logged in, you can select the ‘Remove Member’ option to remove a new member from the list. Make sure you provide all the details to delete the member successfully.

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FAQs on Ration Card List Jharkhand
How to check the ration card list in Jharkhand online?
Complete information related to ration cards is available on the official website of the Food Department Jharkhand at aahar.jharkhand.gov.in. Will be able to get village-wise and dealer-wise ration card lists and other details.
How to find Jharkhand Ration Card by your name online?
You can search names in the Jharkhand ration card list by your name. For this, open the web portal of Aahar and select the option ‘Search your ration card’ in the menu. After that search the list by typing district and name.
What is Green Ration Card in Jharkhand?
Families living below the poverty line in the state will be given green ration cards by the state government and one rupee per kg of food grains. Five kg of food grains will given per unit (person) through the green card.
How to get Jharkhand Ration Card online?
For Jharkhand Ration Card Online Application, first of all, visit the official website of the Department of Food Public Distribution and Consumer Affairs aahar.jharkhand.gov.in/. Now on the page that opens on your screen, you have to go to the online service and click on the option of online application.
How to know the ration card number?
The website to see the ration card by mobile number is nfsa.gov.in For this open the website of NFSA on your mobile or computer. Then select your State, District, Block and Gram Panchayat name. Now you can check the ration card by selecting the name of your ration shop.
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