Dahar App Jharkhand: DAHAR “Dahar” is a mobile and web-based digital application for overall action planning and review of out-of-school (OoSC) and dropout children in the state of Jharkhand, developed in collaboration with UNICEF. In fact, the word DAHAR is derived from the Nagpuri dialect which is one of the local dialects of the Chhotanagpur region in the state and means “pathway”. It is an initiative of the Jharkhand Education Project Council under the Department of School Education and Literacy, Jharkhand, which is the implementing agency of the flagship education program- “Samagra Shiksha”.
This application is mainly for tracking out-of-school children and planning and mainstreaming these children into the regular schooling system. This application will help in planning and designing various strategies for mainstreaming out-of-school children and monitoring the schemes prepared for them. Apart from mainstreaming out-of-school children, the app will also monitor their progress year after year, so that OoSC and dropout children can be dealt with efficiently.
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In Hindi:
DAHAR “दहर” यूनिसेफ के सहयोग से विकसित झारखंड राज्य में आउट-ऑफ-स्कूल (OoSC) और ड्रॉपआउट बच्चों की समग्र कार्य योजना और समीक्षा के लिए एक मोबाइल और वेब-आधारित डिजिटल एप्लिकेशन है। वास्तव में, DAHAR शब्द नागपुरी बोली से लिया गया है जो राज्य में छोटानागपुर क्षेत्र की स्थानीय बोलियों में से एक है और इसका अर्थ है “मार्ग”। यह स्कूली शिक्षा और साक्षरता विभाग, झारखंड के तहत झारखंड शिक्षा परियोजना परिषद की एक पहल है, जो प्रमुख शिक्षा कार्यक्रम- “समग्र शिक्षा” की कार्यान्वयन एजेंसी है।
यह एप्लिकेशन मुख्य रूप से स्कूल से बाहर के बच्चों पर नज़र रखने और इन बच्चों को नियमित स्कूली शिक्षा प्रणाली में योजना बनाने और मुख्यधारा में लाने के लिए है। यह एप्लिकेशन स्कूल से बाहर के बच्चों को मुख्यधारा में लाने और उनके लिए तैयार की गई योजनाओं की निगरानी के लिए विभिन्न रणनीतियों की योजना बनाने और डिजाइन करने में मदद करेगा। स्कूल से बाहर के बच्चों को मुख्यधारा में लाने के अलावा, ऐप साल दर साल उनकी प्रगति की निगरानी भी करेगा, ताकि ओओएससी और ड्रॉपआउट बच्चों से कुशलता से निपटा जा सके।

Key Function
- Conduct house to house survey and prepare a database of all school-going children
- Count and track OOSCs in a timely and quality manner through intensive data analysis and monitoring and mainstream them
- Reducing out-of-school children through timely enrollment, regular attendance, and flexible learning for primary and secondary-aged children
- DAHAR application is a digitized version of pen paper form which allows data collection from fields that will capture characters as well as numbers as per the requirement of the field. It will support real-time data validation, ensuring that the data collected is eligible for subsequent analysis.
- 3 types of users will be using the application extensively, with a login facility for each user type who will have to perform specific roles to make the program successful. The three users are as follows:
- School teacher (surveyor) – to identify the out-of-school child
- Headmaster (Planning Officer) – out of school children have to be enrolled
- Monitoring Officer (Regional Officer) – to supervise the child outside the school.
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Application Features
- Digital Survey
- The application is also working in offline mode i.e. survey can be conducted even if there is no internet connection in the application, the data will be stored in the application and the data will be synced to the server as soon as the connectivity is back.
- User-friendly interface
- Bilingual app i.e. app supports both English and Hindi languages
- Multiple surveys can be conducted on a single application
- Verifications are included to enhance the quality of the data
Download Dahar App Jharkhand
Jharkhand Education Project Council has introduced a new version of the Dahar App. The main motive behind launching this app is to continue the education of the children who have dropped out of school.
With the help of this app, the department will identify these children, track them and provide them with short-term courses administered by them. With the help of this, the students get easy admission to regular school. Dahar App will provide all the data uploaded by the teachers regarding the dropout children.
झारखंड शिक्षा परियोजना परिषद ने डाहर ऐप का नया संस्करण पेश किया है। इस ऐप को लॉन्च करने के पीछे मुख्य मकसद स्कूल छोड़ चुके बच्चों की पढ़ाई जारी रखना है।
इस एप की मदद से विभाग इन बच्चों की पहचान करेगा, उन्हें ट्रैक करेगा और उनके द्वारा संचालित शॉर्ट टर्म कोर्स उपलब्ध कराएगा। इसकी मदद से छात्रों को नियमित स्कूल में आसानी से प्रवेश मिल जाता है। डाहर ऐप ड्रॉपआउट बच्चों के संबंध में शिक्षकों द्वारा अपलोड किए गए सभी डेटा प्रदान करेगा।
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The New Version of the Dahar App
The state government recently conducted a training program for teachers to understand the working of the new version of the Dahar app. Each teacher will be asked to upload the data of at least five school dropouts or children from outside their area. Jharkhand Dahar App download process and login process for teachers mentioned for help.
With the help of this new technology, it will be very easy for teachers to support the education system and initiate new changes. Flexible learning strategies for school children and various alternative learning processes used for children. This will help in meeting the learning deficit in children.
All dropout children are now easily tracked to trigger appropriate responses and provide clear data flow in the system. Thereby helping prevent gaps and barriers between teachers and dropout students.
Complete information on the Dahar Jharkhand app
App NameDahar AppDHAR Full Form Digital Apps for Overall Action Plans and Review Category Education Department Beneficiary School Teacher Download from Google Play Store. How to use in your mobile phone or PCStateJharkhandOfficial Linkdahar.jharkhand.gov.in

Why did the government show the Dahar app in Jharkhand?
- Teachers can collect and roll the details of such children in the age group of 3 to 18 years.
- Enrollment and registration of these children help in providing them with education.
- The main feature of this app is that this feature provides real-time information regarding the children.
- Teachers can easily download or install Dahar App on their mobile phones and provide and monitor students.
- This is the advanced technology and the latest version of the Dahar App which will help teachers a lot.
- The teacher has to fill all the data with characters and numbers.
- The main advantage of this app is to provide education to each and every child of the state and to get regular attendance for the students.
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In Hindi:
- शिक्षक 3 से 18 वर्ष के आयु वर्ग के ऐसे बच्चों का विवरण एकत्र और रोल कर सकते हैं।
- इन बच्चों का नामांकन और पंजीकरण उन्हें शिक्षा प्रदान करने में मदद करता है।
- इस ऐप की मुख्य विशेषता यह है कि यह फीचर बच्चों के संबंध में रीयल-टाइम जानकारी प्रदान करता है।
- शिक्षक आसानी से अपने मोबाइल फोन पर डाहर ऐप डाउनलोड या इंस्टॉल कर सकते हैं और छात्रों को प्रदान और निगरानी कर सकते हैं।
- यह उन्नत तकनीक और डाहर ऐप का नवीनतम संस्करण है जो शिक्षकों की बहुत मदद करेगा।
- शिक्षक को सभी डेटा को वर्णों और संख्याओं के साथ भरना होता है।
- इस ऐप का मुख्य लाभ राज्य के प्रत्येक बच्चे को शिक्षा प्रदान करना और छात्रों की नियमित उपस्थिति प्राप्त करना है।
dahar.jharkhand.gov.in Dahar App Login
The login process for teachers is very simple, they just visit the official website of the Jharkhand Dahar App.
- dahar.jharkhand.gov.in login
- Here just click on the login option. Teachers can log in with their username and password provided during the registration process.
- After that finally, click on the login option.

FAQs on Dahar App Jharkhand
What is Dahar App Jharkhand?
DAHAR application is a digitized version of pen paper form which allows data collection from fields. That will capture characters as well as numbers as per the requirement of the field. It will support real-time data validation, ensuring that the data collected is eligible for subsequent analysis.
Dahar App क्या हैं?
DAHAR एप्लिकेशन पेन पेपर फॉर्म का डिजीटल संस्करण है जो फ़ील्ड से डेटा संग्रह की अनुमति देता है जो फ़ील्ड की आवश्यकता के अनुसार वर्णों के साथ-साथ संख्याओं को भी कैप्चर करेगा। यह वास्तविक समय डेटा सत्यापन का समर्थन करेगा, यह सुनिश्चित करते हुए कि एकत्र किया गया डेटा बाद में विश्लेषण के योग्य है।
What are the helpline email ID and official website of Dahar App Jharkhand?
Helpline Email Id: ooscjh@gmail.com
Official Website: dahar.jharkhand.gov.in
Suggested Link: My Business Mart